Kilt Hose Wallace Tartan Flashes aycrlic wool length 5.50" (14 cm) with...
This water bottle holder is made from the finest, most durable leather...
Traditional military style hose tops in the regimental mackenzie tartan...
British military Royal tri yellow/navy blue and red colored uniform...
Military uniform and pipe band master shoulder lanyard whistle cord with...
White leather flag carrier cross holder with hardware buckle...
Khaki 100% blazer wool body of world war ii caubeen london irish rifles...
Military uniform and pipe band master shoulder lanyard whistle cord with...
You will find here all our collections.
This category includes all the basics of your's and much more:
We are manufacturer of musical instruments, pipe band requirements, uniforms and accessories!
You will find here all our collections.
This category includes all the basics of your's and much more:
We are manufacturer of musical instruments, pipe band requirements, uniforms and accessories!
Choose from great highland bagpipes in deference wood like a African black wood or Ebony wood,
Cucos wood, Sheesham wood and Rose wood.
These bagpipe are also available in deference amount like a Brass nickle plated on thistle engraved
mounts, brass nickle plated plain mounts, White plastic mounts, and silver metal mounts.
You can must find great highland replacement bagpipe's pipe chanter in deference wood and sole...
Choose practice chanter for practice of your bagpipe in deference woods...
This category for find accessories for your bagpipe like replacement bags, bagpipe cover in deference
material, bagpipe drone cords, bagpipe cases and etc...
Find your favorites sporrans in the category. Available leather sporran, sami sporran, fur sporran,
and long horse hair sporran...
We're the world's leading manufacturer of tartan cloth, D.Z.W. Music Company is home to more 1000 than
authentic Scottish tartans all woven in our house ware. Discover your family clan tartan, or browse the
collection to find your favorite tartan design. Each of tartan has a multitude of uses, including traditional
Scottish kilts and tartan upholstery fabric. Use our new Tartan Design Service and create your own unique
fabric. This tartan fabric can be used to make various bespoke tailored goods & accessories including the
following items. Ladies trousers, skirts, kilts, scarves, shawls, serapes, capes, sashes, cumber bunds, neck
and bow ties, cushions, throws, curtains, table wear, men's casual kilts, bags or any craft project. Woven in
a worsted wool at our house ware, Sialkot, Pakistan.
You are looking for a highland wear items for every day? Take a look at our selection of traditional kilt,
piper or drummer plaid, ladies kilt or skort, utility kilts, plaid brooches, piper or drummer waist and cross
belts, dress cords, kilt pins, skean dhu and scottish dirk etc..
Browse our different hear wear hats to choose the perfect glengarry hat, balmoral hat, irish caubeen hat,
tam o shanter, beret hat, officer caps, heather hackles etc...!
You will find the perfect hose top, kilt hose, spats, flashers, Ghillie Brogues etc.
A marching band is a group of instrumental musicians who play while marching. Historically they were
used in armed forces and many marching bands remain military bands. Others are still associated with
military units or emulate a military style, with elements such as uniforms, flags and batons and occasionally
rifles or sabers. Instrumentation typically includes brass, woodwind, and percussion instruments.
Marching bands are generally categorised by affiliation, function, size and instrumentation. In addition to
traditional military parades, marching bands are frequently seen at events as varied as carnivals, parades,
sporting events, trade union events and marching band competitions.
Drum Major Requirements have available drum major mace, mace head, gauntlet gloves, baldric
sash, sergeant sash etc...
We have available all kind of uniform jackets for pipe band any other Jackets like a Argyle/Argyll
Jacket, Prince Charlie Jacket, Irish Tunic, Police Tunic, Guard Tunic, British Army Dress Tunic,
Cutaway Kilt Tunic, Doublets Tunic, Kenmore Doublet, Regulation Doublet, Sheriffmuir Doublets,
The Achara Doublet, Montrose Doublet, Winter Doublet, Piper/Drummer Irish Cape, Highland
Dancing Vest, Frontier Peitean, Lowlander Peitean, Mess Dress Uniform, WWI Uniforms, WWII
German Uniforms, Jacobit Leather waistcoats, American Civil War, Indian Wars 1872 - 90,
Revolutionary - Napoleonic - Regency, Shirts, Buttons, Jacket Braid, Shoulder Shells...
Available in this menu Pipe band drums, tupan drums, renaissance drums, bass drum harness, drum
slings, drum head and drum stick etc..
Woodwind instruments were originally made of wood, just as brass instruments were made of brass, but
instruments are categorized based on how the sound is produced, not by the material used to construct
them. For example, bugles or trumpets are typically made of brass, but are woodwind instruments because
they produce sound with a vibrating reed. On the other hand, the didgeridoo, the wooden cornett (not to be
confused with the cornet), and the serpent are all made of wood (or sometimes plastic), and the olifant is
made from ivory, but all of them belong to the family of brass instruments because the vibration is initiated
by the player's lips...